Leak Procedure
Water usage above the 12 month average at a residence or business could be a sign of a leak. In such cases, OCWD will review a customer’s account to determine eligibility for a leak adjustment.
A hidden underground leak is define as a leak in the customer service line between the meter and the premises.
Upon written request, Leak Adjustments will be granted to residential and commercial customers.
Only one (1) leak adjustment will be made per calendar year and each adjustment may cover a maximum of two (2) billing periods.
The customer must provide a plumber’s statement/invoice or list of materials showing that the leak has been repaired. It must document the date the leak was repaired, materials, and location of the leak in the plumbing system. Repairs must be certified to withstand a working pressure of 200 psi.
After verification of repairs by OCWD Office staff, the bill will be adjusted by comparing the usage during the leak billing period to the average usage for the past six billing periods.
The bill average usage over six months will be billed at the regular rates, while the remaining usage will be charged at the 50% of the gallons from the leak as set forth in the rates and charges portion of the approved tariff.
​ No adjustments will be made for excess water usage due to vandalism, theft of services, or when a leak was not repaired in a timely manner.
Adjustments will not be given for excess water usage due to commode leaks, dripping faucets, or irrigation system leaks.
Adjustments are not made for allowing water to run to prevent water lines from freezing. Please make sure pipes are insulated properly.
No adjustments will be made for leaks in buildings that have no heat available during the winter months.