Rates & Fees
Monthly Rates
Meter Connection
First 2,000 Gallons-------$25.97 Minimum
Next 18,000 Gallons------$0.01079 per gal
Next 30,000 Gallons------$0.0093 per gal
Next 50,000 Gallons-----$0.00785 per gal
Over 100,000 Gallons---$0.00639 per gal
Unmetered Fire Sprinkler
Monthly Fee-------------------$12.78
Water Usage--------$0.00639 per gal
All Meter Sizes------------$96.00
5/8 Inch X 3/4 Inch----------$1,280.00
Larger Meters---------------Actual Cost
Non-Recurring Charges
Leak Adjustment Rate
Wholesale Water Rates
Turn On Charge-------------------$25.21
Meter Re-read Charge--------------$25.21
5/8 in. Meter Test Charge----------$45.43
1 in. Meter Test Charge--------- Actual Cost
Meter Relocation Charge--------Actual Cost
Re-Connection Charge-------------$45.43
Service Call/Investigation------------$25.21
Service Call (After Hours) -----------$52.99
Late Payment Fee--------------------10%​
Customer Cut Lock Fee----------Actual Cost
Fire Sprinkler Connection-------Actual Cost
Returned Payment Charge---------$25.00
Damage to Lid or Meter---------Actual Cost
The Customer will be billed in accordance with the District’s current rate schedule for a volume of water equal to Customer’s monthly average usage for the previous twelve (12) billing periods plus fifty percent (50%) of the water usage cause by the leak.
Beaver Dam-----------$0.00329 per gal
Fordsville-------------$0.00329 per gal
Centertown------------$0.00329 per gal
North McLean ---------$0.00329 per gal
Grayson --------------$0.00329 per gal